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Why Dog Obedience Training is Important

Jason Wright

September 27, 2018

Despite what we may want to think, dogs are not always cute and cuddly furballs. After all, they are still animals. If they feel threatened, nervous, or anxious, dogs will sometimes bite another dog, a human, or even their owner in.That’s why dog training is so important for ensuring obedience, good behavior, and, most importantly, safety. As a dog owner, there is nothing worse than witnessing your dog bite someone else when overcome with fear or aggression. In the worst cases, they can even be put down because of their attack.Dogs are especially prone to attack when near children. While a small majority of dogs may be harmless and get along well with kids, more often than not dogs can cross their thresholds and will bite when they’ve had enough, especially when around children who do not know how to engage with animals.To prevent an attack on a child, an adult, or another dog, we recommend investing in dog training. Dog obedience and behaviour modification training can transform your dog into a well-behaved dog who knows how to respect others, better cope with feelings, and live in a calm state of mind.Table of content

If you are interested in dog training or dog obedience training, the canine experts at iTrainK9, Toronto’s premier dog training facility, have put together this quick guide to the benefits of dog training.

Looking for professionals in Dog Training? Call us @9053304211

Why You Should Take Your Dog to Obedience Training

There are several reasons why obedience training is generally recommended for all dog owners, regardless of the breed of dog. However, a few top our list. If you are on the fence about whether you should enroll your dog in obedience training, read about these great benefits.

Better Control of Commands

One of the best aspects of dog obedience training is that a successfully trained dog will answer to your every command (well, most of them anyway!). A well-trained dog will politely respond to commands such as sit, stay, come, drop it, no, watch, and quiet. Understanding these commands makes it easier to diffuse difficult situations and avoid confrontations.A dog that responds to commands is a dog that is well-liked by others and safe to bring around in public. By taking better control of your dog, you can bring him or her to busier environments without having to fear for its safety or the safety of others.

Safety during dangerous situations

If you have ever been around a frightened dog, you will know that they tend to dart off when scared. These dangerous situations can turn into life-threatening ones if your dog runs into busy road traffic or wild areas where predators might be roaming. To prevent this from happening, every dog must be taught to respond to “stay” and “come” on command.

Foundation for behaviour modification

Training your dog makes them understand who is in charge: you, the owner. Without understanding the basic dynamics between authority figures and itself, a dog will have a hard time getting by from day to day. Learning to respond to commands and what rules and boundaries to live by will provide a foundation for good behavior that will last years into the future.

For more information about Behaviour Modification Reach us @ 9053304211

Understanding the importance of commands

Dog training is not only about making your dog understand the importance of commands—but it is also a chance for you to learn about your dog. By understanding your dog’s body language and emotional responses, you can read situations and predict their behavior during unsettling or difficult situations before they turn ugly.

Bonding with the owner

Nothing establishes a rock-solid connection between your dog and yourself more than a dog obedience training course. Not only does obedience make a dog happier and more relaxed, but it also teaches the skills needed to build trust between a dog and its owner through clear communication.

Constant flow of Stimulation

Dogs are intelligent beings. Therefore, they need a constant flow of mental and physical stimulation to keep it happy and healthy. When undergoing dog obedience training, your dog is given challenges that they must use problem-solving skills to solve with our guidance. By learning new commands, your dog is given the perfect opportunity to put its sharp mind to good use in the real world.

Any questions about dog training? Call us @9053304211

The Do’s and Don’ts of Dog Training with Children

If you have small children or live near them, it is a good idea to invest in dog training. Often kids do not know how to respect a dog’s boundaries, which can lead to situations in which the dog becomes defensive and potentially aggressive. To prevent a bite or attack, follow these basic rules for guiding child-dog interactions until your dog receives dog obedience training.

What to Do

  • Always supervise child-dog interactions
  • Don’t force the situation—let your dog approach when he or she is ready
  • Have the child respect its space
  • Take your children training classes
  • Set rules and boundaries for your children
  • Keep the dog away from intense or really active situations in the home

What Not to Do

  • Never tease a dog or encourage your child to
  • Never allow your child to disturb a sleeping dog
  • Do not pet a dog without allowing it to sniff you first
  • Don’t be jumpy or over-excited around a dog
  • Never allow a child near a dog without its owner
  • Don’t pull, poke and push a dog even your own
  • Don’t climb on the dog or go near its food while eating

Ready to Start Dog Training?

Alumni of dog obedience training courses often go on to lead fun, loving lives with their owners. When you take a companion to dog training, you help teach them to respect boundaries and build the bonds of trust between man and his best friend.At iTrainK9 Dog Training, we offer complex programs to help your dog learn the social skills needed to get along and respect with others and live a happy and healthy life. Whether your dog is an adolescent (3+ months), teenager (4 months to 1 year), or an adult dog, our canine experts can teach your dog the foundations of good behavior and the skills needed to remember them.To find out more about the dog obedience training courses we offer, visit our Services page today. With most courses ranging between 2 and 4 weeks in duration, we can transform your dog’s behavior through our intensive dog boarding and Train programs in no time.

For the best Dog Training Services in GTA Contact iTrainK9 Dog Training @9053304211

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