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Why Teaching the Loose Leash Walk isn’t Enough to Fix  Leash Reactivity

Why Teaching the Loose Leash Walk isn’t Enough to Fix Leash Reactivity

July 9, 2024

Leash reactivity in dogs can be a significant annoyance for pet owners. Not only does it cause stressful walks, but it can also lead to unforeseen accidents that put your dog or others at risk. You may have experienced before that dogs that lunge, bark, or growl at other dogs or people while on a leash can create dangerous situations, making what should be a pleasant experience a nerve-wracking ordeal. 

Understanding the Difference Between Obedience and Behavioural Issues in Dogs

Understanding the Difference Between Obedience and Behavioural Issues in Dogs

June 21, 2024

Dealing with a dog that exhibits behavioural issues can be incredibly frustrating. You might have a dog that listens perfectly to commands during training sessions but still shows signs of aggression, anxiety, or other troubling behaviours at home. It’s important to understand that obedience and behavioural issues are not the same, and addressing one does not necessarily solve the other.

Is Your Family Ready For A Dog? Key Signs That Will Help You Determine If This Is The Right Choice

Is Your Family Ready For A Dog? Key Signs That Will Help You Determine If This Is The Right Choice

June 13, 2024

Many families want to own a dog, but pet ownership involves much more than affection and companionship. Bringing a dog into your home carries significant responsibilities and long-term commitments.

What To Be Aware Of When Training An Older Dog

What To Be Aware Of When Training An Older Dog

May 28, 2024

Training an older dog can be a uniquely rewarding experience. While the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" may be at the top of some people's minds, the truth is it's never too late to instill new skills and reinforce positive behaviours in an older canine companion. 

Why Your Dog Is Going Down With A "Sit" Command And How To Adjust

Why Your Dog Is Going Down With A "Sit" Command And How To Adjust

May 10, 2024

When teaching your dog obedience commands, it's crucial to ensure they respond accurately to your cues. While it might seem harmless if your dog decides to perform a different command, such as going down instead of sitting when commanded, addressing this behaviour from the onset is essential for effective training and preventing future complications.

How to Build a Strong Connection and Bond with Your Dog

How to Build a Strong Connection and Bond with Your Dog

April 22, 2024

Creating a strong connection with your pet not only provides the happy, core memories and companionship that many dog owners crave, but it also helps make other aspects of owning a pet easier, such as training.

Why it’s Essential to Train Every Dog in a Multi-Dog Home

Why it’s Essential to Train Every Dog in a Multi-Dog Home

April 5, 2024

Training a dog is not just about teaching it tricks or obedience commands; it's about fostering a healthy relationship between you and your pet and between your dog and other pets, preventing any issues or accidents from occurring. 

Why iTK9 Prioritizes Board and Train Programs

Why iTK9 Prioritizes Board and Train Programs

March 20, 2024

Whether you’re a new dog owner or have cared for a few pets, it’s always important to find a training program so you can work with and train your dog. This not only allows for proper behaviour from your dog but also lowers the chance of accidents or mishaps.

Why We Train with the E-Collar: Enhancing Dog Freedom and Safety

Why We Train with the E-Collar: Enhancing Dog Freedom and Safety

March 6, 2024

The joy of watching our dogs freely roam, exploring the world around them, is unparalleled, especially since off-leash freedom is a luxury for our pets and a necessity for their physical and mental well-being. 

Why you shouldn’t take dog training advice from your vet

Why you shouldn’t take dog training advice from your vet

February 15, 2024

Finding an adequate source to gather dog training advice from can be complicated. You know it is important to train and work with your pet; however, you may not know where to go for the best advice.

Should you Let your Dog Sleep on the Bed with you?

Should you Let your Dog Sleep on the Bed with you?

February 7, 2024

Explore the importance of setting boundaries for your dog regarding bed sharing in our latest blog. Learn about the potential behavioral issues and sleep disturbances it can cause, and discover effective training strategies to establish healthy limits for a happier home and pet relationship. Ideal for pet owners seeking balance between affection and discipline.

Common Reasons Why Your Dog Is Leash Reactive And How To Adjust

Common Reasons Why Your Dog Is Leash Reactive And How To Adjust

January 24, 2024

Walking your dog should be a positive experience that fosters a deeper connection and shared joy. However, the reality for many dog owners is a walk that often involves the challenge of leash reactivity. 

What is Engagement, and Why is it Taught Before Obedience Training?

What is Engagement, and Why is it Taught Before Obedience Training?

January 10, 2024

After a few days of owning their pet, a new dog owner will focus on training their dog. While this step is crucial in ensuring that you raise and train your dog to follow commands and respond with acceptable behaviour, one small component is crucial before you begin training. That step is engagement.

How Genetics and Environment Affect Your Dog’s Training and Behaviour Modification

How Genetics and Environment Affect Your Dog’s Training and Behaviour Modification

December 23, 2023

Are you finding it difficult to train your dog, even with a consistent approach? We’ve worked with many pet owners who find that despite their constant efforts, they still aren’t achieving the desired results from working with their pets. 

How Much Progress Can Your Dog Make in Dog Training

How Much Progress Can Your Dog Make in Dog Training

December 11, 2023

If you’ve gone through the process of training your dog before, you probably understand that this task takes a lot of work, time, and patience so that your dog can fully understand which behaviours are acceptable and which are not. 

Why it's Important to Understand Your Dog Breed's Traits

Why it's Important to Understand Your Dog Breed's Traits

November 30, 2023

The decision to welcome a dog into your home and family is exciting and demanding. It requires a commitment to understand and embrace the distinct traits inherent in each dog breed. 

How to Work with a Pet that is Fearful of People

How to Work with a Pet that is Fearful of People

November 8, 2023

As many dog owners know, owning a dog is a big responsibility. And it’s one that extends beyond companionship, as it is the obligation of every pet owner to ensure the physical and mental well-being of their dogs. 

How to Train and Work with a Dominant Dog

How to Train and Work with a Dominant Dog

October 24, 2023

Owning a dog can be an incredibly fulfilling experience, but when you find yourself with a dominant dog, it can come with unique challenges. Dominant behaviour in dogs can present itself in various ways, often causing obstacles to obedience and harmonious living, either within your home or in certain environments, such as when taking your pet for a walk. 

Why Dog Parks Are Unsafe and Shouldn't Be Used to Socialize Your Pet

Why Dog Parks Are Unsafe and Shouldn't Be Used to Socialize Your Pet

October 11, 2023

Socializing your dog is a vital aspect of responsible pet ownership. With proper socialization, you can help prevent your pet from developing anxiety or fear of other dogs and develop strong socialization skills and good behaviour. When working with your pet to socialize with them, it is important that they are exposed to the situation in a positive manner so that they can develop the necessary social skills that they will need to navigate various situations confidently. This, however, does not mean allowing your pet to meet any dog in any environment. The safety and security of your pet should always remain paramount when considering socialization opportunities. 

What to do if your Dog is Guarding their Food or Toys

What to do if your Dog is Guarding their Food or Toys

September 20, 2023

Training plays a huge role in shaping a well-behaved and obedient dog. One common behaviour that owners may encounter is food or toy guarding. While it can be concerning to witness your pet exhibit this behaviour, especially if you’re a household that has small kids or that has a lot of friends and family visiting, it's important to understand that guarding is a natural instinct.

How to Master Your Energy When Working with Your Dog

How to Master Your Energy When Working with Your Dog

September 5, 2023

Dog training is not just about teaching commands and behaviours; it's also about creating a positive and focused atmosphere for your pet, especially when they are in an intense or training environment. As a responsible dog owner, it’s important that you, the owner, understand the importance of training your dog and how equally crucial it is to monitor and control your energy during training sessions. 

How to Master Impulse Control

How to Master Impulse Control

August 22, 2023

As a dog owner, you’ve probably noticed that your dog or puppy has certain impulses, such as pulling at the leash to chase an animal like a squirrel or sniffing and coming around when food is on the table. Though these are normal impulses, your pet will not learn to refrain from acting on them unless taught to do so.

How to Master Crate Training

How to Master Crate Training

August 8, 2023

Crate training is a valuable and humane method to provide your dog with a safe and secure space of its own. What many dog owners fail to understand is that dog crates are not punishments; rather, they are positive tools that mimic a den-like environment, offering comfort and a sense of security to your pet. 

How to Read and Understand Your Dog's Body Language

How to Read and Understand Your Dog's Body Language

July 20, 2023

Establishing a strong connection with your dog goes beyond words. As responsible pet owners, it is crucial to understand and interpret our dogs' body language. 

Can Dog Training Help with Your Dog’s Fear of People?

Can Dog Training Help with Your Dog’s Fear of People?

July 14, 2023

As a pet owner, it’s essential to work with your dog to ensure that they lead a happy, healthy and full life. However, this can be challenging to complete when your dog struggles with certain fears and anxieties, such as the fear of other people.

Pros and Cons of Different Dog Training Collars

Pros and Cons of Different Dog Training Collars

June 22, 2023

Whether you have a puppy or an older dog, as a dog owner, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your pet is properly trained. This ensures the safety of not only your dog but also your family, friends and other dogs and people you encounter daily.

Can Dog Training Help if Your Dog is Attacking Other Dogs

Can Dog Training Help if Your Dog is Attacking Other Dogs

June 8, 2023

If you have a dog that shows aggression towards other dogs, it can be a challenging and distressing problem. From barking to biting and pulling on the leash, dog aggression is a serious problem that must be promptly addressed to prevent other dogs, people, or even yourself and your family from getting hurt.

Key Commands to Teach Your Dog at 8-Weeks Old

Key Commands to Teach Your Dog at 8-Weeks Old

May 26, 2023

Bringing a new puppy into your life is an exciting and joyful experience. But as a responsible dog owner, it is crucial to understand the significance of early training for your new pet. While training a dog as young as eight weeks may seem too soon, it's pivotal in establishing good behaviour, setting boundaries, and preventing any unforeseen accidents from occurring while they are young.

How to Master Thresholds

How to Master Thresholds

May 16, 2023

Dogs are naturally impulsive creatures, often acting on their instincts without considering the consequences. While this may be "cute" or engaging to watch when your dog is a new puppy, without training your dog to control their impulses and follow your commands, this habit can become incredibly dangerous, especially as they get older.

Can Dog Training Help with the Fear of Other Dogs

Can Dog Training Help with the Fear of Other Dogs

April 26, 2023

Dogs are typically very social animals, so many pet owners are taken aback when their dog shows fear or severe aggression toward other dogs. Since many new pet owners have not had the chance to properly socialize their dogs, which we've seen an increase in thanks to COVID, the number of dogs fearful or aggressive to other pets is increasing.

How to Train a Dog with an Injury

How to Train a Dog with an Injury

April 17, 2023

Most dogs are active and playful by nature, which can sometimes result in your pet suffering a twisted paw, a cut, or a hurt leg here or there. When an injury occurs, many dog owners wonder how active their pets can be and if they can still work with and train them.

Can Dog Training Assist with Your Dog's Constant Barking?

Can Dog Training Assist with Your Dog's Constant Barking?

March 29, 2023

Since dogs are social creatures, it's not uncommon to hear them occasionally bark, as it is their main form of communication. Whether they are hurt, tired, excited, or happy, you can typically find your pet barking as a way to communicate and express their feelings to you. While this is a normal reaction and day-to-day occurrence, excessive barking is not, especially after you command them to stop. 

Does Dog Training Help with Separation Anxiety?

Does Dog Training Help with Separation Anxiety?

March 22, 2023

As a dog owner, you want your pet to be happy, healthy and at ease in their environment when you are and are not physically around them. This is why many dog owners feel at a loss when their pet experiences separation anxiety. Not only is it troubling for the family and the pet, but it can also be a nuisance when trying to leave your dog for a set amount of time.

Does Training a Dog with an E-Collar Make them More Aggressive?

Does Training a Dog with an E-Collar Make them More Aggressive?

February 27, 2023

Training a new puppy or an older dog can seem like a daunting task to both new and experienced dog owners. It doesn't matter whether you have the goal to socialize your pet with other dogs or have little kids in your home; you'll want to ensure you train your dog effectively to behave in any situation.

How to Properly Introduce your Dog to a New Baby

How to Properly Introduce your Dog to a New Baby

February 13, 2023

Transitioning one's home to accommodate a dog and a baby can be overwhelming. Not only are new parents concerned about their baby's safety around their pet, but they also want to maintain a happy and healthy bond and environment for their dog. However, without the proper training and preparations, it's easy to feel like it's impossible to achieve both.

Is Your Puppy Playing or Being Aggressive?

Is Your Puppy Playing or Being Aggressive?

January 26, 2023

Welcoming a new puppy into your home can be exciting, but it can also lead to many questions as you learn to navigate your puppy's behaviour and habits. One of the most common concerns with new dog owners is about their puppy biting, wondering if they are playing or being aggressive.

Does Exercise Help with Dog Aggression?

Does Exercise Help with Dog Aggression?

January 16, 2023

An aggressive dog can not only pose a challenge, making it difficult for you to be around other dogs or friends and family, but it’s also dangerous. If you have or know an aggressive pet, you probably have seen them react quickly or unexpectedly, sometimes biting or trying to harm someone or something that’s in the way. This serious problem needs to be addressed and resolved as quickly as possible.

Different Dog Training Styles

Different Dog Training Styles

December 20, 2022

Essential to the well-being of your dog, training is an integral part of being a dog owner, just as much as providing them with love and care. Like us, dogs need education and structure to thrive, leading to happy and healthy family companions. Can you relate? Whether you have adopted a role as a dog owner, considering training or re-training, it's important to know the style and method of training you choose has a considerable impact on the result. 

Is it Okay to Send Your Dog Away For Training?

Is it Okay to Send Your Dog Away For Training?

December 5, 2022

There are different methods of dog training; board & train, private, group, virtual, or do-it-yourself, some of which you likely have already tried. You may have found the training didn’t stick, noticed behaviour changes and bad habits have returned, or maybe you’re new to dog training and are shopping around for the best training style for you and your dog.

What to Expect During a Board & Train Program

What to Expect During a Board & Train Program

November 25, 2022

Ask any of our clients, and they will all agree; our Board & Train programs are the most effective way to train your dog and change their behaviour. This method of dog training allows our professional trainers complete access to your dog to work on unlearning and re-learning new habits, teaching and improving obedience, and providing your dog with the proper socialization. This helps to ensure positive change in your dog's behaviour and improves the relationship and communication between you and your dog.

Do I Need to be "Alpha" with my Dog?

Do I Need to be "Alpha" with my Dog?

November 14, 2022

Is being an alpha different from being a leader? Instinctively, dogs follow a social hierarchy where there is an “alpha” and their role is to keep the entire pack in line. Naturally, dog owners feel the need to follow suit, becoming the alpha in their households. 

Can a Dog be Trained in 2 Weeks

Can a Dog be Trained in 2 Weeks

November 8, 2022

2 weeks can be enough time to train your dog. However, it depends on your goals. Will your dog be able to do agility competitions from just 2 weeks of training, probably not. Will they be able to learn the basics and build a strong foundation? Yes, most dogs will be able to get the basics down. However, there are many factors that come into play. Perhaps your dog is older and has spent years being unknowingly conditioned towards unwanted behaviour. If this is the case, they may need longer.

How Long does it Take to Train a Dog Simple Commands?

How Long does it Take to Train a Dog Simple Commands?

October 25, 2022

Training your dog simple commands is a great starting point in your training and will serve as the foundation for all your interactions moving forward. Being able to take control of your dog in any situation and feel confident that they will obey is the key to a happy and rewarding relationship. To understand how long it will take your dog to learn and master basic commands you need to decide on a methodology and identify what you will be teaching them.

Questions to Ask Your Potential Dog Trainer

Questions to Ask Your Potential Dog Trainer

October 18, 2022

Knowing what you should ask a potential dog trainer can help you find the best training option for your pet. However, you should understand that there are many ways to train your dog. This article is only meant as a starting point for your research. You need to educate yourself further and decide on what you are most comfortable with.

How to Choose a Good Dog Trainer

How to Choose a Good Dog Trainer

October 8, 2022

Finding good service providers can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. The same analogy lends itself to finding a good dog trainer. A great first step would be to educate yourself on how to train a dog and the different approaches there are. Without some basic knowledge of how to train a dog, you won’t be well equipped to make a good choice. Your first instinct may be to find the cheapest dog training option, however we strongly advise against that being your driving decision factor. You’ll also want to identify any issues your dog may have so you are ready to discuss them with your potential trainer. 

How Long Should a Dog Training Course Be?

How Long Should a Dog Training Course Be?

September 28, 2022

Owning a dog is a lifetime commitment and so is their training. Although a course may be a specific period, you need to understand that good behaviour comes from consistency and repetition. Training never ends. Nonetheless, building a proper foundation and correcting behavioural issues, assisted by a professional, requires time. If you fail to provide enough time for your dog’s training, unwanted behaviours could develop, and you will be worse off than when you started.

How to Stop Your Dog from Barking

How to Stop Your Dog from Barking

September 21, 2022

Group Classes vs Private Training & Why You Should Choose Board & Train

Group Classes vs Private Training & Why You Should Choose Board & Train

September 13, 2022

What Causes Anxiety in Dogs

What Causes Anxiety in Dogs

June 15, 2022

Common Dog Training Vocabulary

Common Dog Training Vocabulary

June 8, 2022

Common Dog Training Mistakes

Common Dog Training Mistakes

May 30, 2022

How to Discipline Your Puppy

How to Discipline Your Puppy

April 27, 2022

First Time Puppy Owners

First Time Puppy Owners

April 21, 2022

First Things to Teach a New Puppy

First Things to Teach a New Puppy

February 16, 2022

Potty Training Your Puppy

Potty Training Your Puppy

February 9, 2022

How to Train an Older Dog

How to Train an Older Dog

January 7, 2022

How to Approach a Puppy

How to Approach a Puppy

December 14, 2021

How To Deal with an Overprotective Dog

How To Deal with an Overprotective Dog

December 7, 2021

High Value Rewards for Dog Training

High Value Rewards for Dog Training

November 22, 2021

Simple & Practical Tricks to Teach Your Dog

Simple & Practical Tricks to Teach Your Dog

November 17, 2021

Proper Leash Training

Proper Leash Training

November 8, 2021

All Positive Dog Training Isn’t Ideal

All Positive Dog Training Isn’t Ideal

October 27, 2021

Cheap Dog Training Programs

Cheap Dog Training Programs

October 20, 2021

What Is A Dog Behaviorist?

What Is A Dog Behaviorist?

October 15, 2021

How to Stop Your Dog’s Herding

How to Stop Your Dog’s Herding

September 14, 2021

Should I Get a Dog?

Should I Get a Dog?

August 12, 2021

How to Act Around Your Dog

How to Act Around Your Dog

May 25, 2021

Common Dog Behavioural Issues

Common Dog Behavioural Issues

May 18, 2021

How to Properly Socialize Your Dog with Other Dogs

How to Properly Socialize Your Dog with Other Dogs

May 4, 2021

What You Don’t Know About Dog Training

What You Don’t Know About Dog Training

April 28, 2021

Dog Training for Kids

Dog Training for Kids

April 7, 2021

Training Your Dog to Like Baths

Training Your Dog to Like Baths

March 22, 2021

How To Train a Non-Food Motivated Dog

How To Train a Non-Food Motivated Dog

March 17, 2021

How to Properly Use Treats in Training

How to Properly Use Treats in Training

March 1, 2021

Dogs are Different & So is Their Training

Dogs are Different & So is Their Training

February 26, 2021

Are You 100% Dedicated To Train Your Dog

Are You 100% Dedicated To Train Your Dog

February 18, 2021

Comparing Dog Boarding Options

Comparing Dog Boarding Options

February 8, 2021

Bad Behaviour Doesn’t Go Away With Procrastination

Bad Behaviour Doesn’t Go Away With Procrastination

February 2, 2021

You Get What You Pet

You Get What You Pet

January 25, 2021

Understanding Dog Mental Stimulation

Understanding Dog Mental Stimulation

January 18, 2021

What’s Socializing?

What’s Socializing?

January 4, 2021

Don’t Blame The Tool, Blame The Person Who Abused It.

Don’t Blame The Tool, Blame The Person Who Abused It.

December 28, 2020

Do We Use Correction And Punishment?

Do We Use Correction And Punishment?

December 14, 2020

Some of The Dogs Look Stressed In Our Photos

Some of The Dogs Look Stressed In Our Photos

December 7, 2020

5 Things That May Stress Your Dog Out

5 Things That May Stress Your Dog Out

November 23, 2020

Benefits of The Crate

Benefits of The Crate

November 16, 2020

The Truth About Belly Rubs

The Truth About Belly Rubs

November 11, 2020

Your Dog Is Not Your Baby

Your Dog Is Not Your Baby

October 29, 2020

We, Will, Tell You The Truth About Your Dog

We, Will, Tell You The Truth About Your Dog

October 26, 2020

Is Your Dog Not Improving?

Is Your Dog Not Improving?

October 21, 2020

The Goal of Rehabilitation

The Goal of Rehabilitation

October 18, 2020

Correcting Your Dog In A Public Setting

Correcting Your Dog In A Public Setting

October 8, 2020

You Might Be Hurting Your Adopted Dog

You Might Be Hurting Your Adopted Dog

October 5, 2020

Is Cost Your First Concern When Training Your Dog?

Is Cost Your First Concern When Training Your Dog?

September 28, 2020

A Guide To Keeping Your Kids Safe From Dogs

A Guide To Keeping Your Kids Safe From Dogs

September 25, 2020

Punishing Your Dog Is Not A Bad Thing

Punishing Your Dog Is Not A Bad Thing

September 21, 2020

Are You Spoiling Your Dog?

Are You Spoiling Your Dog?

September 8, 2020

The Reality Of Dog Training

The Reality Of Dog Training

September 4, 2020

When To Start Puppy Training

When To Start Puppy Training

August 31, 2020

The Benefits of Puppy Training

The Benefits of Puppy Training

August 28, 2020